Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Families Can Be Together Forever 7/27/2015

Well thats interesting you had a phone call from President!!! Ya we are ok. We actually drove in front of that theater two days before.

So transfers happened and I got a companion named Elder Quist. He is from Boise Idaho. He has been a really fun companion to have. We also were put into a car share!!!! Finally we are able to use the car!!!! It will be so much better than biking everyday!!! AND WE CAN FINALLY GO TO ABBEVILLE!!!

So last week we were able to see a couple of people eventhough it was busy with transfers. We saw a less active named Bobby Smith. He has been going through some hard times. He later took us out to eat which was really nice. We also saw an older widow named sister philips. We talked to her on her porch and she gave us po-boys.

We got back really late from transfers so we were not able to do much on that day. On thrusday we saw two less actives. Krista and sister dunbar. Then we went and saw out investigator Anthony after coordination. Hopefully he will come to the church. We fill the spirit so strong every time we visit with him.

Before district meeting on Friday we received a call from Brother Caviarros. I had never met him while here because he has been offshore in Africa but he picked us up that morning and we had breakfast with him and his wife. His wife isn't a member so hopefully we can teach her.

District meeting was fun. It wasn't too bad having to conduct it. Later that evening we helped the Wuertonberg family with a YSA activity.

Saturday was awesome. My companion in his last area had someone he taught that was going through the temple for the first time so we got permission and went to the temple. The Wuertonbergs were already planning on going to the temple so that was a miracle we had to go there. When we got there we arrived 2 hours early before the 11 o clock session. The sisters and the Wuertonbergs wanted to go take pictures around the temple. We decided to go put our stuff in the waiting area but just as we were walking in a temple worker ran up to us and asked us they needed some help with priesthood and they didn't have much because there was a big ward going through for baptism and a session was going on at the time. They had a couple that was getting sealed and they only had a grandpa with them and they needed witnesses. We hurried and got changed in our white clothing and they asked me to be a witness for the sealing!!!! I was really nervous I didn't know what to look for if it was like a baptism witness where you have to make sure they go under. I got to sit next to the sealer as he did the ceremony! IT WAS SO COOL!!! I had never witnessed a sealing in my life. It was so simple yet it was so powerful!!!! After, they brought their two little children to be sealed. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I had ever had. Then after I got to sign my name on their sealing certificate. It was really awesome!!! Then after we got to do the session. It was a really neat session. I also saw Sister Ortega and the Stancliffe family from the WestBank!!! That was so awesome!!!!! Brother Stancliffe came up to me in the Celestial Room. I was able to teach him how to do family history back in the west bank. He came up to me and told me that He is now the branch family history teacher and that people come every week to his house to learn family history. He also told me that he has found over 200 names!!!! I am not going to lie. It made me feel really good. :)

After the temple we got to see Barry. That was really cool because we told him we went to the temple earlier and the lesson turned into about the temple. He said he wanted to go through someday. We told him he could if he got active. He said he really wants to. After we went contacting. Not much success there.

At Church we had two investigators come. IT was awesome because they were hispanics. Brother Caviaros wife and a person from Abbeville. After we got to go to the Shermers then after I did Call ins.

Elder Richardson

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 13, 2015 Spiritual thought

So my Spiritual thought today is based off of our lesson we gave in Elders Quorum yesterday on the Temple.

We were able to go to the temple to help the youth with Baptisms and it was so amazing to see so many youth bring their own family names to the temple.

In the Teaching Of The Presidents of the Church for Ezra Taft Benson he talked about the importance of the covenants that we make in the temples. I am so grateful for President's Hinckley's goal to have 100 temples  in the world. Without it we would not have the Baton Rouge Temple!!! I love the opportunity we have to worship the lord in his holy house.

I know that this church is true!!! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ!!! I love yall!!!! Keep going to the temple!!! Or live a life to be able to attend the temple!!!!

Here are videos more about the temple!!!!!
Elder Richardson

O Ye Mountains High

So this week was still another slow week. A lot of people are out of town still. We did a lot of service. We were able to see our investigator Anthony twice. He complains about his church all the time and wants to come to ours and really likes what we teach him but just like with everyone in the south... They still don't keep commitments.

We were able to help an older lady in the ward with her garden. That was fun. After she bought us food from chipotles. We also had zone conference. Salt lake now wants us to do the restoration lesson in 4 minutes. I really liked how they do it. We also learned that we are the only missionaries in the entire zone of over 30 missionaries who dont have a car!!!! I will admit. When I learned that I was not happy because we have one of the biggest areas in the mission.....

We also helped out at a combined mutual missionary activity. We helped the youth come up with a list of less actives to help deactivate and Also a list of friends they can invite. It was really good but it was hard to keep them entertain. We also had to help the youth on Saturday with baptisms for the dead at the temple. Of a ward with four hundred people they were only able to have 2 priesthood holders come. None of the young mens leaders were there. So they had to have us 4 elders assigned here to assist with the youth because at the BR temple you have to provide priesthood and the young woman leaders have to do the laundry. I am glad that I got to go but it is sad to see the lack of leadership in this huge ward. Elder Passey and I were witnesses. The baptistry changing room only has two stalls!!! It is really really small.

That night we also helped out at a YSA barbecue. It was so hot at the grill outside in proselytes. It has been so hot!!! I am ready for cool weather haha!!! We were able to see a couple of less actives. Last week also.

Sunday morning the elders quorum president asked us to give the elders quorum lesson. It was on chapter 13 in the Ezra Taft Benson book about temples. We winged the lesson but I think we did awesome.... Hopefully...... :D

Today as a district we went to Olive Garden for soup and salad for my year mark!!! HERE I COME JUNE 23rd 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you all!!
Elder Richardson

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Spirtual thought June 30, 2015

So I decided to do my spiritual thought this week on the hymn praise to the man with the anniversary of the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
W.W Phelps wrote many of the prominent hymns for the church. The Spirit of God, Now Let Us Rejoice, Redeemer Of Israel,

During the Missouri conflict W.W Phelps was angry with some of the counseling the prophet had given him including hate jealously and trials occurring during the Missouri conflict in Far West led him to betray the Prophet and wrote an affidavit of treason on the prophet. The prophet suffered 9 painful months in a cold damp jail in the middle of winter for false charges while many of the saints were driven out of the state or exterminated. Many saints lost their lives and many were beaten and driven from their homes. Later they would settle in Nauvoo and the prophet would be released from jail.

Two Years later W.W Phelps experienced a change of heart and suffered much heartache from his actions he wrote a letter to the prophet stating his desire for readmission into the church and forgiveness.

The prophet replied “It is true, that we have suffered much in consequence of your behavior—the cup of gall, already full enough for mortals to drink, was indeed filled to overflowing when you turned against us, However, the cup has been drunk, the will of our Father has been done, and we are yet alive, for which we thank the Lord And having been delivered from the hands of wicked men by the mercy of our God, we say it is your privilege to be delivered from the powers of the adversary, be brought into the liberty of God’s dear children, and again take your stand among the Saints of the Most High, and by diligence, humility, and love unfeigned, commend yourself to our God, and your God, and to the Church of Jesus Christ.
“Believing your confession to be real, and your repentance genuine, I shall be happy once again to give you the right hand of fellowship, and rejoice over the returning prodigal.

“Your letter was read to the Saints last Sunday, and an expression of their feeling was taken, when it was unanimously resolved, that W. W. Phelps should be received into fellowship. “‘Come on, dear brother, since the war is past, For friends at first, are friends again at last.’”

When W.W Phelps and Joseph Smith met again the prophet embraced him. While many of the saints suffered much and lost many loved ones due to the action of W.W Phelps, all offered the right arm of fellowship.

When the prophet was martyed W.W Phelps wrote a Eulogy for the prophet which is now known as the hymn Praise To The Man.



“I knew Joseph Smith better than any other man, and I can testify that I have not known any man better than him! I feel like shouting Hallelujah, all the time, when I think that I ever knew Joseph Smith, the Prophet whom the Lord raised up and ordained"- Brigham Young

I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. Someone asked me once. What would your life be without the prophet Joseph Smith? My life would be in a dark place and not as happy without the teachings, principles, and gospel that the Prophet Joseph Smith Restored. I know he was the prophet of the restoration!!!

Praise to the Man June 30,2015

Sorry about not emailing yesterday. We were helping a member in the ward move and it ended up taking all day. I am still tired from it.

Last week Zach got baptized!!!! It was so awesome! His family came to the baptism. I had the awesome privilege to be able to confer the Aaronic Priesthood and ordain him to the office of a teacher!!! I was a little nervous because I had never done that before. We give blessings every week but I had never done that before. It was so cool to be able to do that!!! His mom sister and brother came which was really cool. They seem really interested and it seems like they want to learn more.

It was also a sad week too. One of the people we visit, Patrick, did pass away. We were sad but it was in a way a blessing because he had been suffering.

We also had to instruct in Zone Conference last week. It was fun but we were glad it was over with.

We also saw Joseph Smith prophet of the restoration with Jessica and Jordon. They really liked the movie. She will be moving back to utah at the end of July, and he will be moving back in August. We were sad but they are excited to be more active in Utah.

We also had to do a long exchange with the other elders. One of the elders had a surgery and couldn't go out and they were not getting a long so basically I had to stay in for 3 days. It was nice to relax at first but I went crazy at the end of the exchange. I don't like to do nothing... Thankfully at the end they got the car back so they could do things instead of kill each other.

It was awesome to see someone in the West Bank that I taught be baptized, Sister Fresh. It feels awesome to know that she was able to get baptized.

Have a fun awesome week!!!!
Elder Richardson

July 6,2015 Spiritual thought

With the death of Boyd K Packer I wanted to share one of his most famous addresses in 1976 called spiritual crocodiles. Here is the link to the video.

President Packer was one who often warned us of the dangers of the world and to avoid the worldy influence. The Commandments provide us peace and safety! What may seem like a restricting fence is a wall protecting us from the evil, heartache, and danger. The commandments provide us peace and give us joy and happiness. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a shield from the world. One of my favorite scriptures in the book of mormon explains this perfectly

Mosiah 2:41
 41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

I love you all!!! The church is true!!! I know that Jesus is our savior and our redeemer. May we build our lives on his rock and his gospel!!!

America the Beautiful

So this week was a little slow with the holiday but we were able to do a lot still. On Wednesday we were able to see Jose and Carmen and teach them. We were also able to see Mary and her husband. They are really interested but it is so hard to bring hispanics to church.

On Thursday we were able to see a couple of less actives. After we were able to see the Malleys. (The independent Mormons) He knows a lot about the Book of Mormon and really likes our church but I have no idea how to bring conversion there were you already believe in the Book of Mormon but believe Joseph Smith went too far.... It is really confusing. We feel that inviting them to church will really help them.

Later that night we were able to visit Zachs mom, brother, and sister. They are really nice and are really open to the gospel. They cooked us dinner and were really friendly. We gave Zach a priesthood line of authority. He really liked that and thought it was really cool. The family is so wonderful and are prepared to receive the gospel. They have been coming to church every week which has been awesome.

One Friday we tried contacting but it was really hot and there was nobody at any of the parks we biked to. Later that evening we visited Jessica and Jordon with some other members. We taught them a little bit about the temple and had them commit to go to the temple in a year. They are really exciting and are both progressing more. We are really sad because she will be moving back to Lehi in two weeks

After we were able to go to fireworks on the 3rd that started at 9. Some members took us. We were not allowed to go at fireworks if they were at 10. It was alright, not as good as the fireworks back home. For the district did our own lunch at the church. We did a cajun favorite by making hotdogs and wrapping them in hamburger meat and bacon. It was really good. We then went over to a barbeque that some members invited us to. They had hamburgers and ribs there. After we went to the church and played volley ball as a district. It was really fun.

Sunday we were able to see Steve Hall,  We were able to give his son a blessing.
We were able to have a lesson with Zach at a members home. We were hoping his family could be there because we were going to re teach the restoration. They were unable to come but we will be able to teach them another time.

 I love you and miss you!!!
Elder Richardson